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Silver Price Manipulation Continues In 2016

Well, it appears that things have stabilized following this year's post-FOMC massive gold and silver price raid. The only thing that remains to be seen is whether price can rebound somewhat into year end and hold onto a positive 2016.

So we wait and watch...seriously, what else can we do? It has now been proven and admitted that teams of traders at The Bullion Banks actively collude to manage and manipulate price. (See here: And it's obvious that The Criminals are still at it when you examine the silver chart over the past 90 days. Three massive raids have been staged to inflict devastating, technical damage.

  1. The first (for $1.09) took place on October 4 and it was designed to take out the 100-day moving average.
  2. The second (for $1.36) took place on November 11 and it was designed to take out the 200-day moving average.
  3. The smash on Thursday (for $1.26) was designed to take out the 500-day or 100-week moving average.


Combined, those three days total $3.71 in losses. JUST THOSE THREE DAYS ALONE.

Now consider that price closed at $18.87 on Monday, October 3 and it trades as I type at $16.07. So, let's do some math while consulting the calendar.

Over the past 53 trading days, the Comex price of "silver" has fallen by $2.80/ounce. However, as noted above, price fell by $3.71 in just three days of massive and staged Cartel Bank raids. This means that for the other 50 days, price is actually UP 91¢.

Let's pause here and think about that for a few minutes....

At the end of the day, it's getting increasingly difficult to work up the anger and frustration that used to flow so freely through my fingertips and into my MacBook. Instead, now that the world KNOWS beyond a shadow of a doubt that digital gold and silver prices are wholly manipulated and suppressed by a group of collusive, racketeering Bullion Banks, it's just a matter of time before the entire Paper Derivative Pricing Scheme implodes in spectacular fashion. The only sensible response for anyone reading this is to use this knowledge to your advantage and then patiently wait out the process.

I, for one, will simply continue to dollar-cost average physical metal into my stack at a price which is entirely unrelated to true physical supply and demand. So long as The Banks keep playing their paper games, I'll just keep on stacking in preparation for what is to come.


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