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Silver Eagle Rationing Just the Right Time!



Those of you who have followed my work know that I have been fighting for the original intent and purpose of the US Eagle Program to be upheld by the US Mint and the US Treasury. I have written countless letters to the Mint and Treasury proving that the rationing of US Silver Eagles was 100% against the law. Here was my first letter to the Treasury and Mint after they announced their original rationing plan...

US Illegally Rationing Silver Eagles!

"The law is clear that the silver coins must be supplied to the US public in 'quantities sufficient to meet public demand' EVEN IF it means the US Mint drives up the price of silver bullion on the open market in order to obtain the silver needed to produce the US Silver Eagles. That rise in price should, theoretically, decrease the current voracious demand for US Silver Eagles and allow for the true price discovery of silver bullion. That's how our freely traded markets are supposed to function in order to determine the "fair market value" of any asset."

In my crusade to "free" the American Silver Eagle Program I enlisted the help of all the Silver Bugs I could find and we were so successful in proving our point that the US Government had to CHANGE THE LAW in 2010 giving the US Treasury Secretary sole discretion on whether or not to suspend the production of US Eagles.

I even put out a Special Report to Roota's Private Road Members outlining all the shenanigans going on at the US Mint as related to silver purchasing, silver leasing, silver hedging, connections to criminal rigging banks, etc. The US Mint is 100% in on the manipulation of the price of silver!

Here's the past report for Private Road Members:

SPECIAL REPORT: The US Eagle Conspiracy

Fast forward to the present and after being under US Treasury Secretary, Jack Lew's restriction of US Silver Eagles since January 15, 2015 it was announced today that the restriction is being lifted on June 1st!!

"We are pleased to announce that effective Monday, June 1, 2015; we will no longer be allocating American Eagle Silver Bullion Coins. Authorized Purchasers may purchase as many American Eagle Silver Bullion Coins as they desire."

So it's OFF TO THE RACES on US Silver Eagles just at the right time. Surely, JP Morgan will take advantage of this gift from the Mint and many other banks and hedge funds will be taking notice of JPM's actions. It may be their only chance to SAVE their companies in the coming Global Monetary Meltdown.

At sub $20 should load up on US Silver Eagles too!! Walk down to your local coins shop or call my friends at Miles Franklin 800-822-8080 and get your shiny new 2015 SAE's today.

It may not be long before Jack Lew shuts down the US Mint coin presses once again!!

May the Road you choose be the Right Road.

Bix Weir

PS - *Buy the book as it tells you all about who, how, why and WHEN!

The Book: "Silver, Gold, Bitcoin...and God!"

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